Bountiful fish harvest in mystical formation that capticates a learned eye; the transparent fish patterns which allures a discriminating art enthusiast exceptionally aligned him with the prestigious names in the art scene. Rosacay has mastered this style which identified him as a luminary in this genre; with the vivid hues done in the glass finish, he created a signature style, a trademark that gained him a foothold in the industry.
A versatile artist, Rosacay is not only prolific in painting the fish, which in semiotics signifies freedom, movement, unity, abundance success; he is also a mixed media and an abstract master- a high level of artistry that separates him from the rest in this field.
More so, Rosacay has more than lines and splash of colors, his abstract has been defined with his signature brightly colored dot and circle. In astrology, the dot within a circle symbolizes the sun. one of the Cosmic Luminaries, and the center of our solar system; this represents positive energy and power.
Indeed, Rosacay has established his name, the countless art exhibitions he participated in has developed his skills and therefore created a market for his beautiful distinctive art; and his ultimate goals is in the horizon.