Collection: Teresa Bati
Teresa Bati was born on February 1, 1976. Now living in Tanay Rizal with her family, Teresa is a mother of two and married to a Filipino Asian Modern and contemporary artist, Brando Limon Bati.
Her husband sees that she has a potential. Her first experience in painting was year 1997, unfortunately she is unable to continue because of her business. And this ear 2023 her husband encourage her to paint again. Brando Bati, her husband also becomes her mentor. Teresa's first artwork was watercolor on paper and blob paintings and by the support of her husband and their colleagues, she decided to continue what she started. Until her husband gives her a specific subject that she needs to focused on, "flowers in the basket" a still life artwork that focuses on bouquet of different flowers and the medium that is used is acrylic on canvas. Her paintings also inspired by the artworks of Fatima Baquiran, Filipino painter best known for her floral still life using an abundance of impasto colors with an impressionist finish. Teresa Bati had her very first artwork exhibition on a group show entitled "Dreams".